Industrial Flash and DRAM solutions
Silicon Power, founded in 2003, produces DRAM and Flash products for the consumer and industrial area. Due to the significantly higher requirements in the industrial sector, separate R&D departments have been set up to meet the customer specific challenges in the industrial environment. By testing each and every product, quality features like chip screening, burn-in tests, or a consistent traceability of every product - including the production history - Silicon Power is in a good position to meet even the highest requirements in the areas Industrial, Medical, Military and Aerospace.
Common for all products is a long term availability of at least 5 years and a sophisticated BOM- and EOL-/PCN-Management. Safety comes with a long warranty of 5 years (and within TBW) for SLC products, 3 years (and within TBW) for MLC/3D-TLC products and 10 years for all DRAM products.
Extensive customisation options, from a simple, customer specific label up to preloading of customer content, complete the package.